We are thrilled to announce that South Asian Technologies (Pvt) Ltd is stepping up as the full sponsor of Verbalius 2024! This prestigious All Island Debating Tournament is brought to you by the dedicated English Literary Association of Sri Sumangala College.
This sponsorship was facilitated through the unwavering support of the Sri Sumangala College Old Boys’ Association. A special shoutout to Mr. Mahesh Fonseka, the Immediate Past President and a one of the current Advisors of SSCOBA, who played a pivotal role in coordinating this partnership. Mr. Fonseka, who also serves as the Finance Manager at South Asian Technologies (Pvt) Ltd, has been instrumental in bringing this collaboration to fruition.
A huge thank you to South Asian Technologies (Pvt) Ltd for empowering future voices and everyone involved in making this possible. Here’s to a successful and unforgettable Verbalius 2024!
Symbolic of the growing pride of the Buddhists at the turn of the 20th century was the commencement of a school for Buddhist children in Panadura named Sri Sumangala in the premises of the Rankot Vihare.
“The need for an English Buddhist Educational Institution at Panadura was first raisedby the late Rt. Rev. Nanawimala Tissa , and as a result of his strenuous efforts, Sri Sumangala College was started in march , 1909, on Temple premises at Rankoth Vihara, Panadura , with the kind permission of the late Rt. Rev. Walpita Gunaratana Tissa.The College was named after the late Rt. Rev. Sasanawansalankara Kavidaja Vinayacharya Weligama Sri Sumangala ,The chief of the Amarapura Sect…….”
These Kind Buddhists of Panadura had adorned their audience – room and temple with palm branches and complimentary inscriptions wrought in flowers and coloured leaves, and provide shelter and refreshment for as in this Charming Sea Side village, where Senegalese scenery may be witnessed at its best. after the far too flattering ceremonies of the morning had been concluded I had the pleasure and advantage of a private interview with the chief priest, During two hours or more, in the library in his Vihara ……….. After many questions about the localities in the life history of Buddha, Which I had recently visited, he expressed and ardent wish that the Buddhist might same day recover the guardianship of that sacred ground at Buddha Gya, where “The Lord” meditated so long under the Boddhi tree, and finally attained his Buddhaship. He said that this place and kasia, in the north west, where the great Teacher entered in to Nirwana, Were too spots which ought no longer to be in any hands except those of Buddhist……….
The old buildings, which housed Sri Sumangala College up to this day, were erected by the initiative and generosity of the late Messrs. M. Mathes Salgado and Lewis Dias and with the co-operation of Messrs. M.C. Perera, P. Domingo Dias, P.C.H. Dias and Mudaliyar Thomas Rodrigo.
It is interesting to recall how this institution was financed by the founders till 1921. They were the leading business men of the town. It was run entirely as a Philanthropic institution. Mr. P. Domingo Dias was the Manager till his death in 1921″ and during this period of 12 years close upon Rs. 60″000/- had been donated by the founders to meet the working expenses. When considering the financial state of the school, the founders, being business men in partnership, always made the first call on their profits by a donation to meet the losses of the school in the previous year and the expenditure of the following year.
කොළඹ සරසවියේ දේශපාලන විද්යාව පිළිබඳව සහය මහාචාර්යයවරියක වූ කුමාරි ජයවර්ධන මහත්මිය විසින් රචිත Nobodies to somebodies The Rise of the Colonial Bourgeoisie in Sri Lanka නමැති ග්රන්ථයේ පිටුවේ මෙසේ සඳහන්ව ඇත.
The Buddhist Families of the Karava from Panadura, ———- Ponnehennedige Dias, Merennege Salgado, Mahawaduge Perera, Pattihennedige Rodrigo were linked by marriage; they also intermarried with families from Moratuwa such as the Fernando Sri Chandra sekeras and with the Amarasuriya family of Galle who dominated the Southern Province liquor rents.
The Panadura Buddhist capitalist families- Dias, Rodrigo, Salgado and Perera were also interconnected. P. Jeremias Dias married his first cousin Selestina Rodrigo, Daughter of P. Solomon Rodrigo a leading renter of Panadura. The renter, Merennege Mathes Salgado’s daughter Eugenia Grace married Jeremias Dias’ son, Arthur V. Dias, and Mahawaduge Mathes Perera’s son, the entrepreneur M. Abraham Perera, married Jeremias Dias’s daughter, Lilian Mathes Perera’s daughter married Mathes Salgado’s son Walter, and his son Cornelius Perera married Cecilia, the daughter of simon Fernando Sri Chandrasekara Of Moratuwa. There were also links between the Galle Amarasuriyas and Panadura Buddhists. H.W. Amarasuriya (1904-81) married Leena the eldest daughter of M.Coranelis Perera, and Jeremias Dias’s daughter married Dr. Amarasuriya. In Later years too, such marriages of great ‘convenience’ occurred between the wealthy karava families, Some of the dowry money being channeled into philanthropy, social movements and political causes.
Ponnehennedige Domingo Dias, another member of the family of Panadura, was also a great Buddhist benefactor. He was trustee of many temples, including Rankot Vihara, and a contribution towards the movement for the acquisition by the Buddhists of Buddha Gaya in India (ibid: 685). Dias’ brother-in-law, the wealthy capitalists Merennege Mathes Salgado (1860-1918),was also a Supporter of Buddhist Charities and the founder of a Buddhist temple at Pinwella (ibid: 682 & 685). His son, Richard Salgado, and son-in-law, Arthur Dias, were imprisoned in 1915 after the Buddhist- Muslim riots, accused of inciting Buddhists against Muslims. Mahawaduge Cornelis Perera, a distillery owner, also gave support to Buddhist schools. His father was the famous arrack – renter, Mathes Perera, and his brother , Abraham Perera, married Jeremias Dias’ daughter Lilian; their son Wilmot Perera, a politician of later years and a supporter of radical causes was the founder of a Buddhist school and cultural centre, Sri Palee, inspired and inaugurated by Rabindranath Tagore in 1934. Some of the Panadura Buddhists married into karava Buddhist families of Moratuwa and Galle. Mututantrige ————— Fernando’s daughter Cecilia (from Moratuwa) married Mahawaduge Cornelius Perera of Panadura. Simon Fernando who took the name Sri Chandarasekera, started a fund, in that name to endow Buddhist charities and Buddhist education.
“The need for an English Buddhist Educational Institution at Panadura was first raised by the late Rt. Rev. Gnanawimala Tissa, and as a result of his strenuous efforts, Sri Sumangala college was started in march, 1909, on temple premises at Rankoth Vihara, Panadura, with the kind permission for the late Rt. Rev. Walpita Gunaratana Tissa.The College was named after the late Rt. Rev. Sasanawansalankara Kavidaja Vinayacharya Weigama Sri Sumangala,The chief of the Amarapura Sect…….”
කොළඹ විශ්ව විද්යාලයේ දේශපාලන විද්යා විෂය පිළිබඳව සහය මහාචාර්යවරියක වූ කුමාරි ජයවර්ධන මහත්මිය විසින් රචිත Nobodies to somebodies The Rise of the Colonial Bourgeoisie in Sri Lanka නමැති ග්රන්ථයේ මෙසේ සඳහන්ව ඇත.
Another notable example was the influential Mahawaduge Perera family of wekande, Panadura, the largest owners of distilleries in the area. The family fortune through distilling and renting had been built up by Mahawaduge Mathes Perera in the 1860S. One of his sons, M. Abraham Perera, had shares in distilleries and another son, M. Cornelis Perera was the leading distiller of his time,
Also owning wholesale stores at Panadura from which renters were supplied with arrack Cornelrs Perera’s interests in the arrack trade at the turn of the century were described by Wright as follows:
To supply the large demand for the spiritious beverage, he is obliged to buy large quantities from various other manufactures in adition to the output from his own distilleries. In fact, he is one of the largest dealers in arrack in Ceylon.
The founder of another influential family, the renter Merennege Mathes Salgado of Panadura (who also owned a chain of the famous Salgado bakeries), was a prominent wholesale dealer, whose arrack stores at Panadura were said to have had “a storage capacity of 50,000 gallons” from which arrack was “sent out to the various centers required”
(කුමාරි ජයවර්ධන Nobodies to somebodies The Rise of the Colonial Bourgeoisie in Sri Lanka – Pg 110)
The land on which this building is situated was donated by Mr. Walter Salgado, the first boy to be admitted to Sri Sumangala College in 1909 and son of one of the original founders. He donated 2 acres of land this was immediately followed by another generous donation of 2 1/4 acres by the late Mrs. M.C. Perera, the widow of one of the original founders.
In 1940, largely due to the enthusiasm of Mr. D. S. Fernando an old boy, steps were taken to remove the college from its over- crowded and unsuitable location to this site, and on the 24th March, 1940, the foundation stone of this building was laid by Mr. P. De. S. Kularatne.
A sum of Rs 16,000 was collected within three hours from Panadura residents, and within the next week , Mr. W. Leo Fernando, Chairman of the Panadura Urbaun Council, also an old boy, very generously undertook to put up at his expence the Assembly Hall at a cost of Rs 12.172 and Mrs P C H dias the widow of one of the founders ,donated Rs 10,000/= for the science Block in memory of her sonz Ben ,who was one of tragic victims of the war.mrs dias bhas also very kindly offered to equip the laboratory with the necessary fittings.
The old boys very enthusiastically undertook a special collection campaign and helped the funds with a collection of Rs. 1,322/59. Mr. Dick H. Dias with the help of the then Principal, Mr. A. M. De. Silva and the old the present boys staged a play for the purpose of helping the funds and collected a sum of Rs. 954/83.
Our beloved alma mater has achieved the extraordinary milestone of being upgraded to a 1AB Class 1 National School!
This monumental achievement is not just a testament to the relentless dedication and hard work of the college, students, and administration but a beacon of excellence that lights the way for future generations. As Sumangalians, we’ve always known the potential that lies within the halls of our esteemed institution, and today, authorities recognize it too!
To every Sumangalian, spread across the corners of the globe, let’s take a moment to bask in the glory of our alma mater’s success. This is not just an upgrade in status; it’s a recognition of our collective spirit, our undying commitment to excellence, and our unwavering resolve to contribute positively to society.
On behalf of Sri Sumangala College Old Boys’ Association (SSCOBA), we extend our deepest gratitude to Sumangalian Mayura Edirisinghe, who lives in Melbourne, Australia and Sumangala 96 Batch for their generous donation of 16 laptops and an Epson Multimedia Unit to the college. This thoughtful gesture significantly enhances our college’s educational resources.
A special mention goes to the college Photographic Society, the proud recipient of one of these laptops. This contribution will undoubtedly nurture the creative talents of our aspiring photographers.
We commend Dinesh Ketipearachchi, Joint Secretary of SSCOBA, for his exemplary role in initiating and coordinating this donation. His dedication and organizational skills have been pivotal in this successful endeavour.
Our sincere thanks to Sumangalian Viraj Silva for his assistance in the customs clearing of the laptops, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.
Additionally, we are immensely grateful to SSCOBA Vice President Chamath Dias for his invaluable support in both the donation and custom clearing process. His commitment to our association and its objectives is highly appreciated.
These contributions reflect the enduring spirit and solidarity of the Sumangalian community. Your efforts not only aid in the present development of our college but also pave the way for future generations. Thank you for your generosity and unwavering support.
Master Viranga Randunu Jayawaradana is the proud winner of the T. Sarath Fernando Memorial Award for 2023 for his outstanding results at the advanced level examination in 2022. The prize, a brand new laptop was awarded to the student at a function held at the college on 17th December 2023 with the participation of the family members of the late Mr. Sarath Fernando, the Principal Mr. Raweendra Pushpakumara, the President of SSCOBA Mr. Aravinda Perera, the SSCOBA Advisor Mr. Mahesh Fonseka, Joint Secretaries and Treasurer of SSCOBA, a couple of Vice Presidents and members of the Executive Committee.
The family of the late Mr. Sarath Fernando and SSCOBA wish all the very best for the future of Viranga Randunu Jayawaradana who obtained 3As with a Z-score 2.541, District Rank: 3 and gained admission to the prestigious University of Moratuwa to follow a degree in Engineering.
The SSCOBA would like to thank the son and daughter of the late Mr. Sarath Fernando and their family members for their continuous effort in awarding this prize annually.
It is with immense pride and a sense of accomplishment that we extend our heartfelt gratitude to several pivotal figures and groups who have played a crucial role in ushering Sri Sumangala College into a new era of technological advancement.
First and foremost, we would like to express our deepest appreciation to the IT Subcommittee of the Sri Sumangala College Old Boys’ Association (OBA). Your dedication and expertise have been instrumental in developing the Online A/L Admission Application, a significant milestone for our esteemed institution. This remarkable project, initiated at the behest of our respected Principal, Mr. Raweendra Pushpakumara, stands as a testament to your commitment to innovation and progress.
The launch of this application marks a historic moment for Sri Sumangala College, as it is the first time in our long and storied history that the A/L Admission process has been made available online. This noteworthy achievement not only highlights our college’s adaptability and forward-thinking approach but also places us among the pioneers in Sri Lanka’s educational landscape. It is a moment of great honour to be recognized as one of only two schools in the entire nation to have implemented such a progressive system.
This innovative step is more than just a technological upgrade; it is a reflection of our commitment to enhancing the educational experience for our students and easing the administrative processes for our dedicated staff. By embracing technology, we are not only streamlining our admission procedures but also setting a benchmark for others to follow.
In this light, we wish to extend our sincere thanks to the entire team involved in this project, including the IT Subcommittee, the OBA, our visionary Principal Mr. Pushpakumara, and the college administration. Your collaborative efforts have not only made this project a success but have also laid a strong foundation for future technological initiatives.
As we move forward, let us remain steadfast in our goal to leverage technology to improve our educational and administrative functions. This initiative is a significant step in ensuring that Sri Sumangala College continues to provide a conducive environment for learning, where the focus remains firmly on student education and other critical areas.
Once again, we congratulate everyone involved in this groundbreaking project. Your hard work and dedication have truly made a difference in the lives of our students and the broader community. Let us continue to work together, with the same spirit of innovation and collaboration, to usher Sri Sumangala College into an even brighter future.
Mr. Aravinda Perera, the President of Sri Sumangala College Old Boys’ Association, has achieved remarkable recognition in the Business Today TOP 40 list for 2022-2023. His exceptional leadership skills have earned him two prominent positions on the list: he is ranked at number 21 for his role as the Managing Director of Royal Ceramics Lanka, and at number 35 for his contributions as the Chairman of Pan Asia Banking Corporation.
The entire Sumangalian community celebrates this achievement and extends heartfelt congratulations to Mr. Perera. We are immensely proud of his accomplishments and his continuous efforts to bring honor to our alma mater.
We wish him continued success and hope that he keeps inspiring us with his remarkable achievements.
We are immensely grateful to Mr. Imal Fonseka, a distinguished figure in the corporate world, and Mr. Dinoo Fonseka for their generous donation of Rs 75,000 to the SSCOBA Scholarship Fund. Their contribution is made in loving memory of their late father, Mr. Manukula Fonseka, a revered Sumangalian and former President of the SSCOBA Kandy branch.
Mr. Imal Fonseka, currently Co-Founder at Taurus Naturals, with his illustrious career as the former Group CEO of Fairway Holdings, former CEO at Ceylon Biscuits Limited, and Managing Director (FMCG) at Hemas Holdings and Mr. Dinoo Fonseka, current the Executive Sous Chef at JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Dubai, continues the legacy of dedication and support initiated by their father. Mr. Manukula Fonseka was a pillar in the SSCOBA community, fervently working towards the welfare of our students, college, and alumni. His efforts in strengthening the bond between the Kandy Branch and the Parent Body have been instrumental.
Today, we see the same spirit of generosity and commitment in Mr. Imal Fonseka’s and Mr. Dinoo Fonseka’s gestures. This donation not only honours the memory of Mr. Manukula Fonseka but also exemplifies the values of giving back and supporting the next generation of Sumangalians.
On behalf of all Sumangalians, we express our deepest appreciation to Mr. Imal Fonseka and Mr. Dinoo Fonseka. Your contributions will significantly impact the lives of many students, aiding in their educational journey and future successes.
Thank you, Mr. Imal Fonseka and Mr. Dinoo Fonseka, for keeping your father’s Sumangalian spirit alive and for your unwavering support.