

Stay in touch, read about the latest events, update yourselves with SSCOBA which brings you all the news.

Sumangalian, Major General (Retired) W. P. Palitha Fernando appointed as Secretary to the State Ministry of Disaster Management.

SSCOBA takes this opportunity to congratulate Major General Fernando on his new appointment and wish him all the very best in his future endeavors.

Sumangalian, Brigadier HPI Perera RWP RSP assumed duties as the 1st Commander of the newly established Army Headquarters Brigade at the Sri Jayewardenepura Army Headquarters premises on 07 March 2022.

SSCOBA takes this opportunity to congratulate Brigadier Perera on his new appointment and wish him all the very best in his future endeavors.

Sri Sumangala College, Panadura, celebrates its 113 year today.

The school was founded on March 3, 1909, at the Rankoth Viharaya premises Panadura, by its chief incumbent Ven. Panadura Gnanavimalatissa Thero and Mudliyar Thomas Rodrigo, P. C. H. Dias, Matthes Salgado, P. Domingo Dias, Kornelis Perera, and P. Lewis Dias, followed by Arthur Dias, N. Q. Dias, Susantha De Fonseka, Sir Leo Fernando, and many other philanthropists of Panadura.

The plot of land for the buildings of this budding institution was donated by the famous philanthropist Arthur V. Dias, between his residence and the Rankoth Vihara under the sal tree.

The school was named after the Buddhist Scholar Weligama Sri Sumangala Thero.

This educational institution which was started with 77 students had 325 students when it became a government-assisted school on May 11, 1911, and was managed by a Board of Management consisting of a manager. In 1961 it was vested in the state.

A pioneer in Buddhist Education, P. De S. Kularathne was its manager in 1943. It was a golden era of the college as there were many positive developments took place during his time.

Sri Sumangala College nurtured and molded thousands of excellent citizens such as Sir Ukwatte Jayasundare, Dr. Linton Salgado, Prof. P. E. E. Fernando, H. Jinadasa Samarakkody, Prof. Raja de Fonseka, Prof. Ranjith Ruberu, Dr. Walter Fernando, Dr. Neville Fernando, Prof. P. A. De Silva, Dr. Jayantha Ruberu, Dr. L. L. Gunarathne, Prof. Nimal Chandrasena, Sir Leo Fernando, D. W. J. Perera, Merryl Kariyawasam, P. W. M. Wijesooriya, D. G. Athukorala, Dr. Malinga Fernando, Alec Robertson, Linton Wijenayaka, W. D. Amaradeva, Premasiri Khemadasa, Prof. Lalithasiri Gunaruwan, Don Arunasiri, and Dilruwan Perera to mention a few.

On August 7, 1942, all the students of the college between the 7th standard up to the H.S.C. were shifted to the buildings constructed at Nalluruwa to a land to the extent of two acres donated by Walter Salgado, one of the two brothers who were enrolled first, as students of the college. It is very important to point out that it was on March 24, 1940, that the foundation stone was laid for these buildings.

The adjoining land of about 2 1/2 acres which was donated by M. D. Fernando has been turned into the playground of the college. The audience hall of the college was made constructed and donated by Sir Leo Fernando, while P. C. M. Dias contributed largely to the construction of the laboratory. The public of the area, especially of Panadura contributed towards the construction of the buildings.

The students of Sri Sumangala Girl’s School used the laboratory of the college for their highest studies in H.S.C. classes at the initial stage.

The primary classes from Kindergarten up to six standard which had been retained at the town branch adjoining Rankoth Viharaya was headed by A. C. Morawaka, a tough disciplinarian. This branch was also shifted to Nalluruwa premises, making it one institution in 1995.

On May 25, 1993, the college was graded as a National School.

The first two to enroll as students were two brothers Walter and Richard Salgado, the sons of Matthes Salgado, one of the six founders of the college. The children of the other founders also followed suit.

The first Principal of the College was Thomas E. Gunaratne, who held the post till 1912.

The late W. S. M. Wijenayaka (Village Headman of Pohaddaramulla, Wadduwa) was also a student with Walter and Richard Salgado, U. A. Jayasundare, and Sir Leo Fernando when Thomas E. Gunaratne was the Principal succeeded by W. Charles de Silva. His sons, Walter, Sylvester, Llewellyn, and Linton Wijenayaka were also students when A. C. Morawaka was the Head Master and A. J. Fernando who was the Principal, succeeded by K. L. V. Alagiyawanna.

One-third of the college buildings were washed out on December 26, 2004, by the Tsunami. As a result, the college was shifted to the Army camp at Wekada and the camp at Wekada was shifted to the space where the college buildings were.

The college is a National Institution – a part of our national heritage and it has a powerful Old Boys’ Association which was established in 1922.

Some of the devoted eminent past teachers were Thomas E. Gunaratne, R. S. S. Gunawardane, P. De S. Kularatne, M. W. Karunananda, A. J. Fernando and K. L. V. Alagiyawanne. The present Principal of the school is Niluka Weerasinghe.

පානදුරේ දරුවන් කොළඹට නොයවා බෞද්ධ අධාපනයක් ඉංග්‍රීසියෙන් පනදුරේදීම ලබාදීම සඳහා P . ලුවිස් දියෙස්, M. මත්තෙස් සල්ගාදු, මුඳලිඳු තෝමස් රොද්‍රිගෝ, P. C. H. දියෙස්, දුමිංගු දියෙස් සහ M. කොරනේලිස් පෙරේරා යන දානපති ආදී කතෘවරුන් 6 දෙනාගේ මුලිකත්වයෙන් ශ්‍රී සුමංගලය ආරම්භ විය.
පුජ්‍ය වැලිගම ශ්‍රී සුමංගල මහා නා හිමියන් සිහිගන්වනු පිණිස “ශ්‍රී සුමංගල” යන නාමය තබන ලදී.
පානදුරා වාදයත් සමඟ සර් හෙන්රි ස්ටීල් ඕල්කට් තුමාගේ ලංකා ගමනයෙන් ඇතිවූ බෞද්ධ පුනරුදයේ ප්‍රතිඵලයක් ලෙස 1909 මාර්තු 03 වන දින පානදුර රන්කොත් විහාරයේදී ශ්‍රී සුමංගල විද්‍යාලය ආරම්භ විය. අදට වසර 113 කි.
ශ්‍රී සුමංගලය ආරම්භ කිරීම සඳහා 1909 දී එම භුමිය රංකොත් විහාරයට ලබා දුන්නේ “කොස් මාමා” ලෙසින් ප්‍රසිද්ධ ආතර් V. දියෙස් මහතායි. එතුමා 1917 දී බම්බලපිටියේ විශාකා විද්‍යාලය ආරම්භ කල සෙලෙස්තිනා දියෙස් මැතිනියගේ පුත්‍රයෙකි.

එසේම විශාකා විද්‍යාලය ආරම්භ කිරීම සඳහා ශ්‍රී සුමංගලයේ ආදී කතෘවරයෙකුවන P. C. H. දියෙස් මහතාද විශාල කාර්ය භාරයක් සිදු කරමින් සෙලෙස්තිනා දියෙස් මැතිනියට සහාය විය.
ප්‍රථම විදුහල්පති වූයේ තෝමස් E. ගුණරත්න මහතායි.

The 99th AGM of the SSCOBA was held successfully on 26th December 2021 from 0830hrs onwards at the college auditorium with a record number of attendance of old boys showing the growing interest of the OBA activities. This is considered to be a good sign for the future of OBA activities towards our Alma Mater. New office bearers were appointed for the year 2021/2022.

Mr. Mahesh Fonseka got re-elected as the President. Mr. Amila Nawalage & Mr. Dhanuka Kottahachchi were re-elected as Joint Secretaries and Mr. Dinesh Ketipearachchi was re-elected as the Treasurer.

In his welcome speech, Mr. Mahesh Fonseka briefed members about the progress of the OBA, projects carried out in 2020/2021, and thanked everyone who supported OBA in numerous ways.

The Principal, Lt. Col. L. G. P. B. Liyanagaskumbura in his speech mentioned that how he wants to give priority to English Medium education. He briefed old boys on how he has utilized college infrastructure and resources.

The meeting was attended by representatives from other affiliations of OBA including the President of Junior OBA Mr. Buddhi Perera, the President of Colombo Branch HE Sunil De Silva, and the President of Past Cricketers’ Association Mr. Saman Kumara.

A large number of distinguished old boys of various disciplines took part in the event and expressed their views constructively.

The vote of thanks was given by the Jt. Secretary, Mr. Amila Nawalage.

99th Annual General Meeting of the Sri Sumangala College Old Boys’ Association will be held on Sunday, December 26th, 2021, at the college auditorium from 8:30 am onwards. All members are welcome!

පානදුර ශ්‍රී සුමංගල විද්‍යාලයීය ආදී ශිෂ්‍ය සංගමයේ 99වන වාර්ෂික මහා සභාව 2021 දෙසැම්බර් මස 26 වන ඉරිදා උදැසන 8:30 ට විද්‍යාලයීය ශ්‍රවනාගාරයේදී පැවැත්වේ. සියලු ආදී ශිෂ්‍ය සාමාජිකයන්ට ආරාධනා!

ගයාන් කෞශාල් ජයවීර සොයුර, ඔබගේ ඉදිරි මාධ්‍ය ජීවිතය සර්වප්‍රකාරයෙන්ම සාර්ථක වේවා!

ශ්‍රී ලංකා ගුවන්විදුලි රාජ්‍ය සම්මාන සම්මාන උළෙලේදී ප්‍රශස්ත ගුවන් විදුලි නිවේදක සහ ප්‍රශස්ත බාහිර විස්තර විචාරක යන සම්මාන ද්විත්වයට හිමිකම් ලැබූ , ඊට අමතරව ප්‍රශස්ත ගුවන් විදුලි ප්‍රවෘත්ති නිවේදකයා සඳහා නිර්දේශ වූ අප විද්‍යාලයේ කීර්තිමත් ආදි ශිෂ්‍ය මෙන්ම අප සංගමයේ යාවජීව සාමාජික ගයාන් කෞශාල් ජයවීර මහතානෙනි, ඔබට ශ්‍රී සුමංගල විද්‍යාලීය ආදි ශිෂ්‍ය සංගමයේ උනුසුම් සුබ පැතුම් මෙසේ සනිටුහන් කරනු ලබන වගයි.

SSCOBA is extremely happy to inform you that our distinguished old boy, 2005/2007 Senior Prefect of the College, Captain of the Debating Team, Legal Advisor of Junior Old Boys’ Association of Sri Sumangala College, Attorney-at-Law, Mr. Thilina Peiris has been appointed as a Judicial Officer (Magistrate/District Judge).

SSCOBA takes this opportunity to congratulate Mr. Peiris on his new appointment and wish him all the very best in his future endeavors.

Award Ceremony for the winners of Inter Grade Oratory and Quiz Competitions conducted to mark the 99th Old Boys’ Day was held on 31st October 2021 at the OBA Office premises. Purposely designed medals and colourful certificates were awarded to the winners of both oratory and quiz competitions. SSCOBA takes this opportunity to express it’s gratitude to all donors who supported this cause.

Annual Blood Donation Camp 2021

Annual Blood Donation Camp organized by Sri Sumangala College Old Boys’ Association (SSCOBA) in lieu of it’s 99th anniversary was successfully held at the College premises on 31st October 2021. This has been conducted with the collaboration of the medical staff of Kethumathi Maternity Hospital complying with covid-19 safety guidelines. A large number of donors including old boys, their family members and well wishers donated blood at this camp. SSCOBA takes this opportunity to extend it’s heartfelt gratitude to all blood donors for their priceless contribution. Mr. Rajeev Fernando – EXCO member – and his able team should owe a big Thank You for a job well done.