SSCOBA Donates a Multi-Parameter Patient Monitor to Panadura Base Hospital Worth Rs 275,000 to Battle with COVID-19

Old Boys’ Association of Sri Sumangala College (SSCOBA) donated a Multi-Parameter Patient Monitor to Panadura Base Hospital to support their fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. We take this opportunity to thank Dr. Indrani Godakanda, Medical Superintendent of the Panadura Base Hospital, and Dr. Wasantha Malalasekara for providing guidance to SSCOCBA.
SSCOBA Treasurer Mr. Dinesh Ketiparachchi and the Exco Member Mr. Rajeev Fernando handed over the Multi-Parameter Patient Monitor to the Panadura Base Hospital.
Complying with its social responsibility, SSCOBA, under the leadership of the current President Mr. Mahesh Fonseka supported the community by implementing many projects during the pandemic.