Launch of a Commemorative Stamp and First Day Cover

The Sri Lanka Philatelic Bureau of the Department of Posts issued a Commemorative Stamp and First Day Cover to mark the centenary celebrations of the Sri Sumangala College Old Boys’ Association, on 05th of November 2022 at the Centenary Celebrations held at College Old Grounds in Nalluruwa.
The cover was ceremonially presented to the President of Sri Sumangala College Old Boys’ Association, Mr Aravinda Perera.
Senior officials of the Department of Post, Joint Secretaries of SSCOBA Mr Dhanuka Kottahachchi and Mr Amila Nawalage, and the Treasurer of the SSCOBA Mr Dinesh Ketipearachchi joined this memorable occasion.
If anyone wants to purchase the Commemorative Stamp and First Day Cover, please contact the Project Chairman of this project, Vice President of SSCOBA Mr Nuwan Ranamayuru on 0777 330 494. The cost of the Commemorative Stamp and First Day Cover will be Rs 500/-.