Car wash organized raise funds for Master Vihanga Ransara Samarasinghe’s surgical procedures

The College Administration and Grade 11 students in collaboration with the Old Boys’ Association of Sri Sumangala College, held a car wash on February 12, 2023, to gather funds for Master Vihanga Ransara Samarasinghe’s surgical procedures.
We are happy to report that we raised over Rs 600,000/- from the car wash and we will take the necessary steps to deliver the funds to the father of Master Vihanga Ransara Samarasinghe.
We express our gratitude to the College Administration, Grade 11 students, and members of the SSCOBA Exco for initiating and organizing the car wash, as well as to all the students, teachers, parents, old boys, and others who brought their vehicles for the wash and provided us with tremendous support.
Good deeds done selflessly are a rarity. Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts!