98th Annual General Meeting Held Successfully

The 98th AGM of the SSCOBA was held successfully on 05th September 2020 from 9000hrs onwards at the college auditorium with a record number of attendance of old boys showing the growing interest of the OBA activities. This is considered to be a good sign for the future of OBA activities towards our Alma Mater. New office bearers were appointed for the year 2020/2021.
Mr. Mahesh Fonseka got re-elected as the President. Mr. Amila Nawalage & Mr. Dhanuka Kottahachchi elected as Joint Secretaries and Mr. Dinesh Ketipearachchi elected as the Treasure.
In his welcome speech, Mr. Mahesh Fonseka briefed members about the progress of the OBA, projects carried out in 2019/2020, and thanked everyone who supported OBA in numerous ways.
The Principal, Lt. Col. L. G. P. B. Liyanagaskumbura in his speech mentioned that how he wants to give priority to the education as the results have been falling gradually in the last few years. He briefed old boys on how he has utilised college infrastructure and resources and now every teacher has a proper time table.
By addressing the meeting, Sumangalian, Past Principal Mr. J K P Ashokarathna briefed old boys about the importance of the OBA to the college & it’s members and he was happy to note the progress made by the present OBA in helping the school with numerous ways. He also expressed his wish in creating a college archive as soon as possible and he handed over a set of very valuable and important documents related to college and OBA history which were in his possession to the President – Mr. Mahesh Fonseka.
Sumangalian, Past Principal, Past President of OBA, Mr. Wilson Kahandagamage in his speech stated that he is the oldest old boy attending the AGM today and briefed everyone about the history of the college & OBA.
The meeting was attended by representatives from other affiliations of OBA including Junior OBA, Colombo Branch, Past Cricketers’ Association, Past Cadets’ Association, and Aquatic Club.
A large number of distinguish old boys of various disciplines took part in the event and expressed their views constructively.
The vote of thanks was given by the Jt. Secretary, Mr. Amila Nawalage.